TV Documentary on Major Anders Lassen VC, MC**, SBS

TV Documentary on Major Anders Lassen VC, MC**, SBS

Data ed ora: d. 18.9. 2024 kl. 08:47

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Anders Frederik Emil Victor Schau Lassen VC, MC** (1920-1945) was one of the great heroes of World War II and is revered as an icon of the special forces in his home country, Denmark, and elsewhere. Busts of the soldier adorn several locations, e.g. at the Danish special forces’ HQ,  at the SAS base in Hereford, the SBS HQ in the UK and at Comacchio in Northern Italy, where he was killed in action on 9 April 1945. Several books and articles have been written about Lassen, and a 1995 Danish documentary told some of his story.

Although Lassen features in Guy Ritchie’s recent action film The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, a very free American interpretation of the early history of the British SOE and its first few operations, the depiction of events and the role played by the Dane has only a tenuous link to reality.

On 9 April 2025, it will be 80 years since Anders Lassen was killed in action. The time is ripe for a high-quality TV documentary series to convey all the latest knowledge gathered about Lassen, set his exploits in the wider context of World War II and show they are still relevant.

A group of Danish experts and filmmakers, including Thomas Harder, the author of the biography Special Forces Hero – Anders Lassen VC, MC**, Lassen’s niece, Suzanne B.D. Lassen, and the producer Mark Gerber have set out to make the international documentary happen.

We want to tell the hero’s story and stay as true to the facts as possible. We believe it is highly relevant in the world of today, and new generations must not forget Lassen’s achievements and sacrifice.

Work on the series is at a very early phase. Several production companies have shown interest, but none have been willing to commit to or fund the project at this stage.

To develop the concept, we need to invest time and money in a pitch that will convince production companies and TV channels to see the project through to a successful completion.

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