Advantages of Remote Simultaneous Intepretation

Advantages of Remote Simultaneous Intepretation

Data ed ora: d. 18.1. 2022 kl. 09:21

Advantages of RSI

After a year of working actively with Remote Simultaneous Interpretation, my conclusion is that it's an extremely well-functioning tool. I hope it will remain in permanent – and increased – use even after the end of the COVID emergency.
If handled properly, platforms like Interactio, Teletech, Interprefy etc. offer excellent sound and image quality. I have no experience of “acoustic shock” or any physical or mental problems as consequences of RSI.
There is no loss of quality. Working in a familiar environment under one’s own control makes it easy to concentrate and focus on one’s work.
Working in one’s home environment is very stress-reducing. RSI improves the work/life balance.
RSI reduces stress and fatigue by eliminating travel and local transport and the need to spend non-working hours away from home.
There are obvious (public and private) health advantages in avoiding public transport, airports, hotels etc., etc. Not only during a pandemic, but in general.
Avoiding air travel, contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

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