Om at bedømme kvaliteten af litterære oversættelser

Om at bedømme kvaliteten af litterære oversættelser

Data ed ora: d. 15.3. 2023 kl. 09:38

In 1995 I was chairman of the European Jury for the Aristeion Prize for Literary Translation. To help the Jury in its work – comparing e.g. a Bulgarian translation of German poems with a French translations of Danish essays, or a Greek translations of an Irish novel etc. – I wrote a sort of checklist which was used as a loose basis for our discussions.


A few points to keep in mind when judging the merits of candidates for the Aristeion Prize for Translations


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Data ed ora: d. 1.1. 2024 kl. 11:08

Jeg får alt for ofte henvendelser fra folk, der tror, at jeg har noget at gøre med Ekstra Bladet. Det har jeg ikke og har aldrig haft det.